Thursday, December 27, 2007

qcheck 2.0


is a system developed by John Hughes and Koen Claessen. Its
premise is that comprehesive testing can be obtained by combining
a testing specification language and test data automation
("random testing"). It has been ported to several languages from
its native Haskell: the Mercury programming language provides a QuickCheck facility in their
"extras" distribution, called qcheck.

As it stands, the original qcheck (herein after
referred to as Q1) is an excellent piece of work,
fully capable of testing entire systems. It can decipher how to
generate example data from user-defined types. It also provides
examples for various general and specific situations where the
user may wish to exercise control over the ranges or frequencies
of the data generated. What, then, would need to be changed?

Not much, it turns out. The fundamental aspects of the system
-- comprehesive unit testing fed by randomly-generated values and
directed by a test specification remain intact, but there are
several features to comprehensive testing that can be added to
improve this system. Q1 is good at verifying
that one particular predicate behaves as it should, but it gives
no indication that all the (interface) predicates of a system
have been tested. Further, the user has some control over the
detail reported for each test, but, for a user wishing a summary
report, even the smallest report allowed is too much detail:
adding a facility that give the user complete control over
reportage becomes necessary for larger systems. Finally,
Q1 has an excellent facility to generate random
values for user-defined types, but for primitive types (such as
char, int, and float), the
approach is a bit arcane (only mentioned in one of the last
examples) and lossy -- giving the user control over the random
number generator itself, and integrating that part of the system
with the goal of ease of use will carry forward the automation of
user-defined typed values as well as simplify controlling ranges
of generated primitive values.

These improvements were the aim of this new version: keep the
essence of previous version while adding these new layers to help
the tester verify much larger systems. The first two aims
outlined above, that of comprehension and detail, are addressed
by the new reporting facility that exists both outside
qcheck2 proper and is also integrated into its
state. The third aim, more and simpler control over
randomly-generated values, incorporate changes that now allow the
user to define their own random number generator (or to use the
very excellent one supplied) and also to change the generator's
behavior in the midst of testing. We will address each aim, and
their implementations, in the following sections.


Aim 1: Comprehension

One question that testing frameworks, such as QuickCheck, must
eventually address, particularly for larger systems, is the one
of completeness. Or, "has the entire functionality of the system
been tested?" Under the first implementation this is a difficult
question to answer, and the root of this problem is a rather
trivial one to fix: the second input argument to
qcheck/[4,7,8] is a string that has the
purpose of describing the test to be performed. Typing this
argument as a string is rather limitting: although
the (human) user can seen the purpose from the description, the
problem is that encoding the test description as a
string does not facilitate reasoning about test
results mechanically, which makes it difficult for the system to
report on what was and, importantly, was not, covered in the

A new accumulated state variable

The fix to this problem is therefore simple: generalize the test
description argument to any (univeral) type. This way other
systems may, for example, generate a model of the system being
tested and then, after the tests are completed, a method of
tabulating and reporting the results. The internals of
Q1 change in two ways: first, the description
type signature is relaxed, and second, as reportage is spread
across several calls to qcheck/[4,7,8], we will
defer the commitment of outputting results until the user so
determines. In this case, we convert the state variable from
io.state (which commits the output) to a specific
accumulator (that simply collects it):

:- pred qcheck(T, Desc, int, list(list(frequency)),
general_frequencies, list(user_gen_type(RNG)),
qstate(RNG, Desc), qstate(RNG, Desc))
<= (testable(T), random_number_generator(RNG)).

:- mode qcheck(in, in, in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst(RNG)),
in, out) is det.


T the type (pred/func) to test
Desc a generic type describing the test
int number of tests
list(list(frequency)) list of specific frequencies (as per Q1)
general_frequencies list of general frequencies for testing (described later)
list(user_gen_type(RNG)) user-defined types for value generation, as per Q1,
specialized on the random number generator
The state variable collecting test results and keeping the
random number generator au courant

The typeclass testable(T) is as per
Q1; and the random number generator typeclass
(random_number_generator(RNG)) will be
discussed under the value generator aim.

For the new types for qcheck2:

:- type general_frequencies == assoc_list(type_desc, list(frequency)).
:- type qstate(RNG, Description)
---> qstate(generator(RNG), map(Description, test_results)).
:- type test_results
---> test_results(int, int, int, bag(univ))
; falsifiable(univ).

The above qstate type shows that the test
description is mapped to the test_results type, as
qcheck/[4,7,8] is called for each test, it
accumulates the test results indexed by the (generic)

The Program Modelling Tool

As Description can be of any type, we can now allow
the user to pass in a simple description string, as
in Q1, or, alternatively, we can enhance the
description with something that we can use as a declarative
index. In Prolog, we could use the
index of the module-qualified name of the predicate. Mercury is
not as dynamic a system to allow any number of
module/predicate/function values
so we will employ a preprocessing system to identify and alias
all interface predicate/function types to a uniform (enumerated)
type. One such system is qcpt available from
packaged into the

system. From an input set of files, qcpt
generates the following types:

:- program_module
---> <names of modules in system>.
:- func all_program_modules = list(program_module).
:- func all_public_predicates = list(full_predicate_signature).

:- type public_predicate_signature
---> public_predicate / int.

:- type full_predicate_signature
---> public(program_module, public_predicate_signature).

:- type test_desc == pair(full_predicate_signature, string).

:- type public_predicate
---> <names of interface predicates>.


Say we wish to test a single module, for example the

module. By running ...

$ qcpt peano.m

... the file qcheck2.tests_digests_types.m is
generated with the above type declarations and the following
specific realizations:

% ...

:- type program_module
---> peano.

% ...

:- type public_predicate
---> increment
; peano
; to_peano.

:- implementation.

all_program_modules = [

all_public_predicates = [
public(peano, increment/2),
public(peano, peano/2),
public(peano, to_peano/2)

A new reporting facility

Given that we now have collected all the public (or interface)
predicates and functions of a system, it is now also possible to
determine the completeness of the testing, in that all of those
predicates were tested. It simply now falls to a system to
collect the results of testing and report the results. The user
may attack this task any number of ways, but we also provide one
implementation in module
qcheck2.tests_digest_reports. The predicate


does all this work by comparing the
accumulated test Results (typed as an
assoc_list(test_desc, test_results), where
test_desc is provided by module
qcheck2.tests_digest_types (generated from the
tested module using qcpt), and the
assoc_list is the accumulated result of calling a
set of qcheck/[4,7,8] goals).

The show_module_tests_summary/3 predicate reports
the total number of tests (and those that passed) within each
module and reports the number of predicates that succeeded all
unit testing. This predicate also reports, by name and arity,
the predicates not tested by the framework.


The following report ...

$ ./peano_unit_tests_missing_to_peano

Qcheck2 tested the following modules:
*** 6/6 tests passed on 2/3 predicates in peano
(did not test to_peano/2)

... shows that my modifications to module
peano_unit_tests (I commented out the
to_peano/2 tests) resulted in all tests passing, but
the test suite did not provide full coverage of the
peano module's functionality.

Traditional Reportage

Module qcheck2.reports provides two ways to report
results as Q1 did:

show_test_results_sets(Results, !IO)
show_test_results(Description, test_results, !IO)

The predicate show_test_results_sets/3 simply
iterates over Results, calling
show_test_results/4 at each iteration.
The predicate show_test_results/4 reports the
results from qcheck/[4,7,8] in the style of


Here are some of the results reported from running
peano_unit_tests_with_failing_test with a call to

Test description : public(peano, increment / 2) - "Makes sure we get a successor"
Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
Number of trivial tests : 0
Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
Test description : public(peano, increment / 2) - "Checks increment/2\'s compare"
Number of test cases that succeeded : 19
Number of trivial tests : 0
Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 81
Distributions of selected arguments :
13 {0, 1}
5 {1, 2}
1 {2, 3}
Test description : public(peano, to_peano / 2) - "Tests string creation"
Falsifiable :

The above examples demonstrate 1) a sample
test report where all the tests succeeded (with no reportage on
the test values used), 2) a sample where some
test values were unusable (with reportage), and
3) a sample where the predicate and test
values (by intention) failed the test. These tests are of the
same form as those of Q1. The major difference is
that test tests are reported separately from the
qcheck/[4,7,8] call. This separation allows delayed
(even permanently delayed) reporting of results.

Aim 2: Generation

Q1 offers a dizzying array of options when giving
the user control over what test values are generated and how they
are generated, that is, if these values are to be generated from
user-defined, or complex (not builtin), types. It also offers a
generator of such power that it is dubbed: "The Mother of all
Random Number Generators" by its creator. Impressive as the
above offerings are (and they are, in fact, impressive) there are
two glaring wants: first, one is required to
use the supplied generator -- users are not permitted alternate
generators for their own testing, and this becomes an issue when,
for example, "pure" randomness (such as the values provided by, or
cryptological-strength randomness is a requirement of the tested
system, and, second, restricting the ranges of primitive
builtins (or other "unbound" enumerated types (such as
integer)) is not directly feasible (albeit possibly
with some esoteric indirection). We address each of these wants
in the new system in this document by turns.

Want 1: User-supplied random number generators

Q1 was built to hide its inner workings. This
software principle is considered to be good practice, but, since
one of the inner workings is random number generation to generate
test values, this good practice obstructs the ability to replace
the random number generator when so required. The new
architecture in qcheck2 exposes the random number
generator in the state variable, allowing its replacement by
alternate equivalent types. The change also comes with a
supplied state initialization predicate that provides the default
random number generator.

The design of the system requires the user to wrap their random
number generator (hereinafter referred to as the RNG)
in type described in the next section, and
it must conform to the following typeclass:

:- typeclass random_number_generator(RNG) where [
% gives a random float on the range [0, 1)
pred rnd(float::out, RNG::in, RNG::out) is det,
pred reseed(int::in, RNG::unused, RNG::out) is det


rnd/3 supplies a float between 0.0 and 1.0 and updates the state
of the RNG; and
reseed/3 reinitializes the RNG with the seed supplied as
the first argument.

Want 2: User-controllable numeric ranges

It is very easy for the user of Q1 to specify a
discriminated-union type and have the system generate test
examples. The problem is for builtin types:
Q1 does not consider bounds when
generating floats, ints
and, surprisingly,
One could argue that by choosing unbound types, the user must be
prepared to accept any value those types describe, and indeed
this is true. Where this argument falls apart is when the user
wishes to test predicates within their nominal ranges. Certainly
the test framework should generate test data that tests beyond
the ranges, but when every test case offered is extrinsic,
nothing is gained by submitting that predicate to random
testing. In short, the user must be allowed direct control over
ranges of test values of builtin types when the situation

:- type generator(RNG)
---> generator(int_range, float_range, character_type, RNG).


int_range is either range(int, int) or unbound



Well, this statement is not true in all
-- if all the tested predicates had the same type
and modality then one may simply use the name of the predicate
as the Description. See, for example, modules
foo and foo_unit_tests included in
the distribution. The material point here is that although it
is possible to use the name of a predicate as the
Description it is not realistic given that most
systems use predicates with different types, arities, and


Q1 treats strings
as list(int)
, where each element
is a char-equivalent int, which can
be positive, negative or, as is most often the case, of very
large magnitude.

Contact Information: dauclair at 703-300-0447
Copyright © 2006-2007, Logical Types, LLC. All rights reserved.

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